Thursday, April 23, 2009


to my blog of Feb. 24, and continue to ponder the 'Favorite quote . . .'

The line "Make a connection with everyone you encounter." reminds me of one of my first blog entries -- that of listening.

Such an easy way to make a connection -- look someone in the eye (aligning) as they talk to me, and give them my full attention. It's not rocket science; connecting can be as simple as remembering someone's name, acknowledging their efforts in class (everyone's efforts -- the student who needs bolstering and the student who is 'advanced'), smiling at people in the grocery store - on & on & on.

So easy and so effective and filled with so much potential to affect peoples' lives.

I taught at the Jail yesterday. 3 new-to-me students, 3 brand-new students, plus one young man who's been coming to this class for many weeks now. It would be very easy for me to enter the room and focus only on what their crimes may have been. That would make my (and their) experience less than meaningful. If I did that, they might come back, but it would only be to escape jail life for 90 minutes each week.

For some reason, it is easy to teach and not wonder or worry about what causes them to be in this situation. Don't get me wrong -- I know they're in for a reason (some, not so pretty). The acts of teaching, of looking for the good, of remembering their names, of offering encouragement and alignment tips, of being willing to be there -- all this adds up to making a connection, albeit brief.

This connection, in particular, has the potential to offer someone a remembrance that 'life is good'.

Yoga for the Deaf this morning -- 4 weeks into my 6 weeks of signing class. I now know the signs for cat & cow; that will make that pose fun to do -- plus I know my numbers, so I can tell them how many times to do it. It IS the little things!

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