Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Living With Intention

I've decided that John's quote/poem deserves more than one day's comment.

So, this morning I've been pondering "Live your life with intention.". First I went to my Thesaurus and entered 'intention'. Came up with words like: meaning, purpose, plan, objective.

When I look at my 'yoga life', I probably could (if asked), answer 'Yes, I am living that part of my life with intention (meaning, purpose, plan, objective).' Having said "I will strive to be a Certified Anusara Instructor" gave me that. My intention is to be Certified, which offers me lots of opportunities to live with a plan, purpose, objective. I know what to do -- read, study, practice, video, teach, work hard -- work REALLY hard.

As I look at the rest of my life, I wonder if that is suffering for all the intention going to yoga. How do I get intention back into housework, yardwork, caring for aging parents, grocery shopping, maintaining two houses, pay bills, etc.?

When I started yoga, for a long time I wondered what 'set our intention for this practice' meant. Now that I teach, I need to reflect on what I tell students as I define that statement for them. I tell them that their intention can be as simple as planting their hands firmly on the mat for the next 90 minutes, or it can be much more complex. If they choose complex, they must remember that this is just the start of the journey. Their destination may not be reached in the next 90 minutes.

Likewise, I need to start simply -- find a way to do it all (start the journey), yet not let it overwhelm me. One of my characteristics is to procrastinate (who, me?). If I can't do it right and 100%, it becomes overwhelming and I go into 'why do it at all' mode? Note, I do pay my/our bills tho -- that can't be procrastinated upon.

So, it's easier to go back to the safety zone (yoga) where I know all the expectations, plus it's fun. What's fun about housework? or grocery shopping? or managing households?

Ah, pondering -- maybe I shouldn't do it too much. Or, maybe I should do it more -- it brings out a lot of stuff out that I've been avoiding.

Sunny and warm here for at least the next couple days, then a bit of a cold snap is expected. Hopefully - no snow.

Enjoy Wednesday,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie,
From last couple of days I am following your blog. I really enjoyed reading your blog.
I follow lot of blogs but the blogs related to Yoga, Meditation always proves me that the people involved with that are more stable and knows real meaning of life. They look at the world with different and positive angle.

Keep writing.