Monday, April 6, 2009


I've decided that once a week (maybe Mondays?) I will just do this 'notes' blog. It will be a good change in focus from the other six days, and offer me an opportunity to write just whatever comes into my head, thru my hands, and onto the blog.

Working on that pose I've been asking for input on. Marlene, I tried supta padangusthasana (SP) with success -- at least holding the big toe. But, that gives me hope. I could take the leg out, while maintaining good alignment in the remainder of my body -- that's a good thing. So, I will keep doing hamstring stretches per Cindy and Marlene, practicing SP (which is a laying-down form of utthita hasta padangusthasana (UHP)), continue to work on taking the leg out using a strap while standing (the balancing adds a significant challenge to the pose). Keep you posted.

Logged on to the new Anusara™ website this morning. I guess it went on-line on Sunday (yesterday), and it looks good. On my laptop, it's a bit slow coming up -- but that could be my laptop since everything is slow this morning. I also noticed my name is NOT listed under Anusara-Inspired™. Breathe, Leslie. I tried to contact them thru their website -- error message. Breathe again, Leslie. So, I sent an e-mail to John, since his is the only e-mail address I know. I'll call them in a few minutes. I am understanding about new websites, getting the glitches out, kinks straightened, etc., etc., etc. But, why did they have to leave my name off? Keep breathing, Leslie.

Talking to Anusara as I type -- so, hopefully, this will be resolved a.s.a.p.

I am talking better with my hands, as a result of the ASL classes. Problem is, that as I study the signs for certain things (from books, printouts), each community develops its own variation on some of the signs. So, I tried one in last week's yoga class -- 'see you next week'; turns out that this community uses a bit different sign -- so, they all looked at me a bit inquisitively, figured it out, then told me what they use. Flexibility (as in UHP) is required in all parts of our lives.

Hope to go to class this a.m.

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