Sunday, April 19, 2009


5 hours of yoga yesterday -- Wow!

How does that happen? First, my morning class turned into more of a practice than me teaching it due to the make-up of attendees. Fun Stuff! Then, I went to Kula's practice from 1-4:30 - also fun.

So, remember that pose I'm working on (eka hasta padangusthasana - EHP)? In the morning we worked towards it; in the afternoon, I also asked for hamstring stuff. Be careful what you ask for! All good, but there was more hamstring widening, lengthening, strengthening, (can't think of any more good words here), than one person with significantly tight hamstrings should wisely wish for.

There were moments when child's pose was a considered option. However, as the oldest in the room, I hardly thought that would be a good example to set, plus I do have my pride to consider.

This morning all feels fine -- even the crick in my neck that plagued me all day has resolved itself. Must be all that alignment stuff.

I'm even thinking about more yoga! What is that about? Didn't I get my fill yesterday? Wasn't that enough? EHP, tho, has implanted itself in my thought process and I am hankering to warm up those hamstrings and give it a few more tries. We'll see how this day progresses.

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