Thursday, April 2, 2009


Self promotion goes right along with the theme I've been using this week -- that of cloaking (as in throwing it off or - at least - opening the buttons a bit. That's because, one of my weakest points is the ability to acknowledge my knowledge and let it shine. (Interestingly, Wayne's theme on Tuesday was 'stand in your light'. ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?)

So, I've been self-promoting this morning on Facebook -- put my blog address in as I joined two Anusara groups. Then, I mentioned it again in my newsletter to students. Plus, I talk it up in each of my classes and have it posted on my website. All this, as a result of an article forwarded to me by a friend re: 'how to get people to read your blog'. There's more, but this is a good start.

Today will be a busy one -- I teach at the Community Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing this morning. My intention was to study some of the signs I've been learning (refresh my memory) and maybe use them during class. I better get this blog done, walk the dogs, and - hopefully - carry out that intention.

Then, I have scheduled myself to teach a new class at The Yoga Center (based on one Darren & John described in Tucson) -- YogaHour. I'll let you know how that goes. Classes at my studio grow notoriously slow, but most do grow. Especially at 'bargain basement' prices.

Then, it's back to the Community Center for the Thursday installment of my ASL classes (I'm going twice a week - Tuesdays & Thursdays!).

Interspersed in all this will be a couple short trips home to let the dogs out. They've gotten horribly spoiled this winter -- because one is getting very old and we worry about her on the steps, we have let them all stay inside during the day.

All this to tell you that I am moving into the realm of self-promotion, because - I realize - if I don't do it, no one is going to do it for me. Oh sure, there's good word-of-mouth. But, I also have to 'stand in my own light'; otherwise, all the good 'word-of mouth' in the world is not going to attract people to me. Students might come for a preview, but if I am meek, shy, reticent, and don't effectively take my seat as the teacher -- they probably will NOT be back.

Website back on track; no worm (that I'm aware of); so far, so good!

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