Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am pretty consumed by this cleanse -- so, please forgive my lapses during the week. I'll be done, back to better-than-normal in 6 more days.

So, here are notes:

I am adding www.itsonlyadance.com to my favorites. Sundari is such a great writer and we are anticipating more in the coming months, as she travels through Europe, Oregon, etc. Be well, friend.

Facebooking -- I started a group "YOGA IN UTAH", in hopes of transmitting information about all studios, events, and just the person who likes/loves yoga. We'll see how it goes. Right now, tho, there are more members of the group than I have friends -- oh, well. So, if you haven't checked it out -- do so now and join up. Your active participation will be appreciated. I'd love to hear why you started yoga.

Spring (Summer?) has finally reached Utah. I say Summer because at our house it was 91 degrees yesterday -- hardly Spring temps. Trying to do a bit of weeding each morning. Trying to do it mindfully and not let it overwhelm me.

Now to the cleanse -- this morning is easier. Don't feel quite so on edge. I cooked up some kitchari yesterday (kitchari = basmati rice, mung beans, spices, and your choice of veggies (I did celery, carrots & yellow pepper). I think that was what I needed -- some substance in my stomach. Cate held the second conference call with us last night -- informative and interesting to hear other people's questions, concerns, stories. The best thing about Cate is that she is not rigid in her cleanse routine -- for me, that gives me license to 'cheat'; but, also with that permission I don't feel the need to 'cheat'. Hope that makes sense.

So, I'll go to Wayne's class this a.m., then pilates, then teach. Had hoped to go to Adam's -- we'll see how the energy level is by then.

Enjoy your day,

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