Thursday, May 14, 2009

SHRI . . .

My themes over the last five days have centered around the word 'SHRI'.

Shri is a Sanskrit word that means, among other things, Divine Beauty (I am learning that Sanskrit words often have many meanings, or mean differrent things to different groups).

I have used this idea of beauty to encourage students to add that special something to their poses -- it was a theme used at a training, that of not just doing the 'cookie cutter' pose -- but adding your own finishing touch to fully express the beauty of the yoga poses.

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, it worked then and it continues to work. I have seen some beautiful poses this week, not to mention beautiful faces, as we work with this theme. It has the effect of taking the inhibitions away. Wonderful to watch!

This morning I read Christina's blog (as I do every morning), and was surprised - and pleased - to see that she had been 'twittered' by John Friend with a quote about ritual and how they are means by which we can express our Divine Beauty.

Validation for my theming this week, and more proof that there is an energy flowing out there that we cannot see, cannot feel, cannot touch, but certainly do get a 'hit' of every once in a while!

Busy Thursday for me -- I am going to take a yoga class or two today, as well as teach one (and, Pilates with Cindy).

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