Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Just a few thoughts, since this week's activities are causing me to be a bit scattered -- so, better to keep away from trying to write blog entries about any one, lengthy topic.

What's this about? Call yesterday - new student, visiting from out of state, worried that she'll be 'bored' if she comes to a class at my studio. No yoga class should be boring; you can make of the class what you want and expect. Expect to be bored, and I'll bet you'll be bored; expect to listen and learn - no matter the level of intensity - and I'll bet you'll have a good experience (even if you don't break a sweat). Enough!

Found out per a Facebook quiz that I belong in South Dakota. The next day I get an invitation to join the Anusara® Kula of the Black Hills. Something supernatural about that. Pictures reflect a wonderful kula.

Cleaning my house in anticipation of a book club meeting tomorrow afternoon. I enjoy the group, but cleaning to host a meeting makes me question joining. Look for the good -- the house is getting clean (at least in the rooms to be used), pictures are getting hung, etc. As I dust, vacuum, clean glass shelves and 'nick nacks', I have to wonder what other parts of my life are getting ignored.

Back to paragraph 2 -- I can find enjoyment in cleaning my house. It's not boring or drudgery, I just need to adjust my attitude.

Watched John's video on the Yoga Journal website yesterday. Wouldn't you know the theme he used during this backbending practice was the 3 A's -- attitude, alignment and action; with emphasis on attitude.

I'll check my attitude and wish you a great day!

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