Monday, June 15, 2009


Home officing begins this week -- for my husband, that is. So, Leslie, breathe - surrender (not too much) - and soften.

This not only means that he is here at home more, but it also means that some of my well-planned and enjoyed 'touches' (as in interior design) are being adjusted, as well. We have a number of mid-eastern carpets -- they are now mystically moving around the lower level. Breathe - surrender (not too much) - and soften.

And, he's bringing in some of the items from his old office -- things he had purchased for his own comfort. Those things - which are not part of MY plan are also mystically appearing in places otherwise occupied. Breathe - surrender (not too much) - and soften.

This may be more of an adjustment that I had anticipated.

I'll focus on yoga - teach more, go to class more, practice more. That should help.

I had a fun weekend of teaching. After some large classes during the week, the weekend shriveled up -- small classes = more intense teaching, for both me and students. Once in a while that's a good thing. I saw expanding poses, more attention to detail, and I got to know those students a bit better. All good things.

So, we look for the good. I need to apply that concept to home officing -- breathe - surrender (not too much) - and soften.

Reason for the quote -- Christina said exactly what I think when I stretch myself towards a seemingly unattainable or challenging goal.

Enjoy your week,

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