Wednesday, June 10, 2009


All the GREAT Anusara® Yoga experiences (as in, workshops) being offered in Salt Lake during the coming months. We have:

  • Cate Stillman, June 20-21, doing a yoga/Ayurveda workshop,
  • Christina Sell, July 17-19, doing a Mid-Summer Journey into Anusara® yoga at my studio - The Yoga Center,,
  • Siana Sherman, August 14-16, doing a yoga workshop, and
  • JOHN FRIEND, September 12-13, workshop.

All are so good, it will be hard to choose -- so, why not do them all?

That may not be financially or personally feasible (if you have any kind of home life or vacation plans), but it's a thought.

Of course, I want a good turnout at Christina's; but I understand the need to make choices.

NOTE: If you are even considering John Friend, you MUST apply by July 3. To do this, go to, click on Events/John's Events/scroll down to September 12-13/click on workshop. A new screen will appear with event info. As you read through it, you will see the button 'Apply'. Click on that button, and fill out the form.

Many people think they will never be able to experience John -- wrong. But, if you don't apply, you won't experience him. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Enjoy your day,

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