Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I returned yesterday from five (yes, 5) nights in Driggs, that included a short hiatus from blog writing and minimal yoga business.

The time away included LOTS of quality time, however, with my son, daughter-in-law, and grandsons - Jack & Brady. We got to experience several aspects of spending vacations with family -- the fun of being together, the stress of illness (a 24-hr bug Jack got on day 3), irritable individual moments (me) -- but, all-in-all, an experience I wouldn't trade for anything.

Highlights for me: Jack walking out in the morning to greet the day with "it's a beautiful day". Brady taking his (almost) first step into my arms. Derek and I taking one day to go fishing together. Watching Jess work efficiently and effectively as the Mother, Wife, Protector, Always-On-The-Alert person in this group of four. Howard and I were able to relax and laugh, and just enjoy being with family. Great stuff!

So, it's back to SLC for me; San Diego for Derek & family; and Howard is on the road -- reality, I guess.

There were a series of missteps at my studio in my absence -- a slight glitch in a once-monthly class (I'll find out more later this morning); a sub forgetting to teach one of my classes; a private session of mine cancelling at the last minute (causing one early-rising sub a bit of frustration).

It will be interesting(?) to go to the studio this afternoon and see what state it's in after five days away.

One thing I remember from working with John so much is the importance of creating a sacred space in which to practice and teach. So, when I see props dissheveled and out of place, it doesn't fit with that 'sacred' space type of thinking I've embraced.

Unfortunately, it doesn't bother everyone and not all of the instructors who teach at the studio have received that lesson from their teachers. So, props in disarray is not a problem for them. I also need to remember that many of them are racing from studio to studio or from studio to job, and don't have time to stop and straighten up the props. The next instructor bears the brunt and often doesn't have time before his/her students arrive to get things back in shape.

I've just spent 3 minutes wondering why, after 5 days, all I'm thinking about at this moment is the PROPS???

One of the interesting parts of blog-writing is just letting the fingers start to translate thought to computer screen. Never quite sure what will come out; and then it's a process of weaving it back into some bigger picture. How can I weave props into anything?

Perhaps it's part of the equanimity I must hold forth as I step back into this reality. Staying calm, realizing it's not everyone's priority (though, it should be), and accepting it. This equanimity will help with handling whatever fallout I receive from late-arriving instructors (or instructors who don't arrive at all), to students cancelling at the last minute. Even to my continuing saga of Dept. of Workforce relations. Ah, there -- I wove it (woved?, weaved?).

Last night, I read John's first two entries of his new blog -- his history and knowledge make my writing look a bit trite. Oh, well, a dose of equanimity will help with that also.

Welcome back & have a beautiful day,

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