Monday, October 26, 2009


The final day of my training in Jackson was another great, albeit long one.  The overriding message (for me) of the week, to allow my essential self to uncover itself.   I am a good (great) teacher and person; yet I am wearing a lot of layers, covering those qualities up at times.  If I soften, that goodness will reveal itself. 

At moments, during this past week, I observed that happening.  It takes practice, but it is possible.  That was a BIG lesson for me.

I was also reminded to teach from my heart and to remember (and honor) my teachers.  Part two of that reminder is easy for me; the first - teaching from my heart - is harder.  I love technical, it's safe; the heart is risky.  I know now, however, it's do-able. 

Three powerful messages, don't you think?

Now back to routine.  Got home late, slept a bit, up and into Monday's routine.  I am keeping this short.  First, after all the study and being a bit tired, it's hard to put thoughts to paper in an understandable way.  This was a week I won't soon forget. 

Enjoy your week,

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