Friday, November 13, 2009


I am not quite sure what has happened over the past two days, but I feel much differently about stuff.  

A slight change in family plans for my b-day celebration has lifted a weight -- instead of trying to have a big celebration while dealing with parent issues over Thanksgiving, we are going to move the celebration back a couple weeks and find a different venue.  Yeah -- weight lifted. 

Went to Wayne's class yesterday morning - felt strong.  Not quite strong enough to kick up to the wall, but - when helped - I felt strong up there and even felt a moment (or two) of independence from the wall (WHOA !!!).  Then, back to the mats, where he decided contortionism was 'di rigueur' for this practice.  Hips opening more and more.  Full lotus by myself close, so close (that's only happened once before, the time that John pushed and prodded, and I grinned, and there I was in the pose!). 

No more pilates on Thursdays - I am sort of used to it by now, so a bit of withdrawal.  I'll see Cindy on Monday, so - not to worry. 

Taught at 4 - YogaHour.  That class is catching on around the country -- I notice more and more studios doing it.  For me, it takes a lot of pressure off of teaching.  Not that I don't prepare or do a good job, just that it's more lighthearted than the full 90 minute class.  Yesterday there were just 3 in class.  Two young and flexible; one a bit older and coming back to the practice.  Could almost see that downward spiral Christina has brought to my attention (I'm not worthy, what am I doing here) in action.  But, I believe that one student is strong and logical thinking.  Her comment as she left, "I just reminded myself that they are a BUNCH younger than I am."  Good for her; standing in her light!

Then 5:45 - Yoga Specific.  I've decided to change the focus of this class.  The Yoga Specific was developed to teach different elements each week, and - hopefully - different instructors would volunteer.  My belief is that this would benefit students; it's always been helpful for me to experience different teachers (so, why isn't it good for everyone?).  Well, it hasn't worked out that way.  First, no one else has volunteered to teach any of the classes, and I love the people who are regularly coming.  A bunch of 'boomers', just like me.  And, each week, I see more opening, more growth.  LOVE IT.   So, in December, I'm converting it to an Anusara-Inspired Level 1 class (chant & all), and I'll teach it.  So there!

My theme this week - space, has evolved to be a real winner in my book.  And, as I've taught each class this week, I see more languaging sneaking into my teaching correlating with the theme and heart quality (courage).  Fun stuff!

So, today is Gentle Yoga at 10, then a haircut, then ???  The day is mine. 

Hope you have a great Friday,

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