Thursday, November 12, 2009


Well, just 17 days.  This day will be particularly memorable because, as always, I opened Facebook first.  Found a comment from one of my students telling everyone (that's all my 87 friends plus however many she has) that she had attended Gentle Yoga class with her guru (me!).  Blew me right out of the water.  And, caused me to scurry for my notes to see what John had to say about gurus last March. 

First, tho, to graciously accept the compliment.  Hard thing to do -- to just say 'thank you'.  No disclaimer, no excuses, just 'thank you'.  Such an immense compliment, tho; how do you just say 'thank you' to that?

So, what did John say about guru's?  Lots -- this is just part of it.  Thursday is Guru Day (Thursday - Thor - Jupiter - Guru) - the first auspicious thing about all this is that I read it on Thursday.  Definition of Guru = weighty one; light that dispels darkness.  The Guru principle is synonomous with Grace - the revelatory power of the spirit that awakens us to our true nature.  We, as teachers, convey Grace through our voice, our eyes, our touch, and our will ('may my students be safe, may they succeed').  I loved one quote he shared "the teacher is the one who falls down 8 times, and gets back up 9".  He also reminded us that our highest teaching is to remember that the guru is within all of us -- students and teachers. 

I just happened to video yesterday's Gentle class.  I had read MariaCristina's blog entry about space, and - as I cut back old growth in my garden yesterday morning - I could see a parallel to our yoga practice.  I was making space for new growth in my garden, just as our yoga practice (even just walking into a studio for the first time) creates space in our lives; space for new things, new ideas, new people.  That was my theme, then, for this class.  I could easily make it relatable; and my heart quality was courage.  In my mind, it takes courage to open your safe, comfortable life and allow space for other, new and different things. 

After class, one of my students apologized for falling during the video; for 'ruining it' for me - her words.  (Remember, this is Gentle Yoga -- everyone has a reason for being there.)  I reassured her that it was not ruined and it was not a big deal.  Personally, I believe it's important for the Certification Committee to see and embrace that there are people who do yoga who are not able to stand on their hands or do backbends; people for whom standing on their feet is a challenge.  This probably won't be the video I submit, but I would never discard a video in which someone takes a tumble -- that would be inauthentic, in my book. 

Talked with my parents in the afternoon.  All sounds a bit better, so I am feeling better on that front.  Besides, my shift yesterday to an upward spiral, has me feeling stronger and more able to deal with what I know is inevitably in my future. 

I also re-listened to Jack's phone message (Jack is my Grandson, remember), where he thanked me for the buffalo card, told me about brushing teeth, and reminded me about HIS blue flashlight (we're back to the blue flashlight, folks!).  Brought tears  to my eyes and happiness to my heart.  I'll save that one forever. 

Hope your Thursday starts as auspiciously as mine has,


Claudia said...

Leslie, i know you said this birthday is affecting you like no other - that's understandable, we're all different when it comes to marking passage of time.
But it seems from these weeks of blog entries that you're counting down to DREAD rather than to a fabulous party to celebrate such a fine achievement (I do hope someone's throwing you a bash). I think the countdown is a good idea, but counting down to something you're dreading generates bad juju. After all, you're really just a day older. You have a fine family and a lovely studio and students who appreciate you. You seem like you're in a good place. But it doesn't always sound like YOU think so! BE the feeling you want to have!
With love - Claudia

Leslie Salmon said...

You're right - it has been a countdown. Thank you for pointing that out. But, yesterday things shifted - so, as you advise, from now we're counting UP.