Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Yesterday, after sending my e-newsletter to students and friends, I received a very nice comment from one student. 

I believe it shows a great deal of personal growth and integrity to sit down and write a totally complimentary e-mail.  An e-mail intended to do nothing but provide positive feedback to the recipient.  For me, it's a growth experience -- I love doing it, but it's out of that old 'comfort zone'; for others, it may be easy.  Not sure how it is for the student who wrote me, but it was so meaningful to have someone notice and take the time to write it down and then send it. 

So, what's the coincidence and reminder?  The power of positive speaking. 

This morning, a close friend mentioned the negative rhetoric overheard from co-workers about their work situation.  I was in the middle of reviewing my "Yoga of Discipline" book, so looked for some appropriate quotes that could be used in response.  I didn't come up with any direct quotes for this situation, but I did come away with this feeling:  Negative speech is like negative prana (energy).  We lose our power when we allow speech to flow without discrimination, without some kind of check.

The next coincidence / reminder?  At the training last week, we were given a quiz and the person with  the most correct answers won a prize.  I won -- it was a quiz with 11 questions, all relating to what we observed in the museum where the training was being held.  As a prize, I received a set of "Angel Therapy Oracle Cards".  Every day or so, I draw a card.  What did I draw this morning?  "Cancel, Clear, Delete"  Meaning:  Negative affirmations are to be swept away, replaced with positive, radiant intentions. 

Try this exercise:  Sit with yourself, and write 10 sentences; 5 begin with "I am in my heart when I _______."  The other 5 begin with "I am not in my heart when I __________."  Example:  "I am in my heart when I call an old friend."  "I am not in my heart when I gossip."  Like that.  Don't think too much, just write.  (It's even better if you can do it with an understanding friend and they can respond in kind.)   Sundari asked us to do this exercise in our training last week -- powerful reminder. 

What else did I come up with from "Yoga of Discipline"?  Lots of stuff; including:  Before I speak, pause - that's a good place to cancel, clear, delete. 

O.K., so 26 days -- are you excited yet?  Going to Wayne's class this a.m., pilates this afternoon, teach at 4. 

Enjoy your Tuesday,

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