Wednesday, November 11, 2009

4 DAYS, 4 SIGNS (& still counting - 18)

This morning, up early going through my usual routine.  Sit for a while, then coffee, then log on.  First place I go?  Facebook -- just to see what some of the world has been up to the previous day. 

First entry I read this morning?  One from Christina re:  the 3rd spiral of Anusara Yoga(?).  From reading the comment, and the responses, I will assume that she is referring to (coincidentally) the spiral I've been experiencing.  That of feeling 'less than', questioning my decisions, 'poor me' - a downward spiral of my spirit.  Wow!  (someone -- correct me if I'm wrong)

This on the heels of the YogaHub notes regarding compassion, and BJ's newsletter where she talks about blessings and challenges. 

So, then there was a 4th that arrived through this magic machine I call a laptop:  Sundari's blog regarding the training I attended with her and its site - the museum.  Reminded me that on day, one her first teachings was to tell us that we were in this group to unveil our skills -- that our essential self doesn't need to be achieved, just uncovered (excerpted, I believe, from the Shiva Sutras).  This statement hit me hard, and I was so busy writing, that maybe I got the source wrong -- in any case, it was a powerful reminder and acknowledgment for me.  (I've pulled my copy of the Shiva Sutras - need to review it.)

I also received a note from one of my students, telling me to stop the countdown and look forward to 70.  Probably good advice.  I have, however, started down this countdown path so I'll continue.

So, taking Christina's advice -- LETTING. IT. GO.  Spiralling back up and out -- watch out world!

Found another blog to follow -- look to the right.  Maria Cristina's blog.  Besides being full of wisdom and information, go down to "The Hardest Class Ever", posted 11/5.  It is laugh out loud funny (and a reminder or cautionary note about the attitude "I am a yoga teacher, hear me roar" - her quote).

Off to walk dogs, then a bit of housework, then teach Gentle Yoga at 10 (they should be thankful I haven't just taken a class like MariaChristina describes).  Haircut at noon, Jail at 2:30 (hey, I could kick a few ___'s there; we'll see who shows up).   I know one thing -- officers or prisoners, watch out!  Because I am one of the strongest grey-haired women you've met in a while. 

Enjoy Wednesday,

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