Friday, November 27, 2009

TARDY 2 (Two)

First, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and that your celebration was all you hoped for.  Ours was spent at my cousin's home, with my parents and other cousins & step-cousins,   Great fun to re-connect with these people -- even if it is once a year.  Lots of memories tied up in this group.  

Late in the day for me to be posting, but I got pretty consumed with cleaning out one of my parents' storerooms.  My Dad's been after me for a while (he's worried about the amount of stuff I'll have to deal with when he's not around), so Howard and I dug in this morning. 

Fun to toss stuff (actually, we're donating much of it), and a lesson in minimizing our consumer instincts.  (My dad takes the word 'consumer' to a new level!)

Anyone who would like 13+ file boxes of classical sheet music, books related to music (conducting, piano, flute, violin, tuba, etc.) speak up.  It's yours for the asking, you pay the shipping (which I think will be about $300).

So aparigraha staring me in the face.  Now, it's time for a break from work and this computer. 

Enjoy the remainder of your Friday,


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