Friday, December 11, 2009


Long week - perhaps because it's been a week of anticipation and surprises.  

Yesterday was a good, albeit long, day.  Wayne's class in the am (handstands and urdhva dhanurasana - both with moderate success).   Then errands.  Then home to let the dogs out -- it's so cold that I hesitate to leave them out for any period of time.  Then teach YogaHour -- worked on handstands in that class.  Then YogaSpecific.

YogaSpecific was fun -- my 'post Title-9' group is returning (their term for themselves).  They are so open to whatever I offer, and so appreciative -- makes teaching so rewarding.  As we practiced, I frequently talked about the feet and their role, and asked them to spread their toes, etc.  It was quickly apparent that their toes had spent way too much time in shoes.   So, a little 'foot' yoga.

It's always interesting to watch student's reactions to their feet - the stiffness ('how do I get my fingers between my toes?'), the result of a bit of massage ('they feel so much more mobile'),  and - most visible - the realization that they can't move their toes quite as well as they'd like.

Not everyone's cup of tea - working with the feet - but, after a few chaturanga dandasana's and some standing and balancing poses, these students were happy to be on the floor massaging their feet.  BTW, if I plan this into a class, I usually do it more towards the beginning.  This class, however, it was a spur of the moment switch in directions (remember 'fluidity').  And, they liked it.  Too often, I see students who only want the 'work out' that comes with their yoga practice; the 'stretching'.  I love it when students are willing to try something new, and - in the process - learn the valuable role than every part of our bodies play in our yoga.

Got to get busy, can't tarry much longer over this wonderful, new machine!

Have a great Friday!

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