Monday, December 14, 2009


My 'weekend for me' is almost ended.  In about an hour, I'll head to the airport to fly home.  The memories, tho, will live a long time.

One of the big events of the weekend was taking in a holiday show/production while with my son and family.  Other than "The Grinch ...", my other choice was "The 10 Tenors".  When thinking about what show, I also kept in the recesses of my mind the desire to take Jack (age 3) with us.  You may be thinking 'what? a 3-year-old to an ADULT program?.  Yes.  So - since I'd seen 'Grinch' (and it was sold out), I chose "The 10 Tenors" (a group of 10 young men from Australia, now touring the US).

Bought the tickets (one for Jack), and hoped that his mood, etc., would bode well for tolerating and perhaps enjoying the program.  All weekend, I'd observed him singing (he knows words to songs, now) whenever an opportunity presented itself.   Sunday arrived, Jack was prepped by his Mother about expectations, and off we went -- Jack very proudly wearing his cowboy boots.

Did we survive?  Yes, it went well; in fact, it went super.  If I only had the first 15 minutes of the program for my memory bank, I'd be happy.  He sat in his own chair, his eyes wide, his mouth open.  Occasionally, he looked at me, as if to say "whoaaa".   The rest of the program, he sat in Mommy's lap, drinking from his 'sippy' cup and eating M&M's as they were metered out to him.  A little fidgeting in the second half, but I'd give him an 8+ (on a 1-10 scale) for performance.  Good job, Jack.

Another 'best part' of this -- to participate in a new experience unfolding for this little person.

I did do some yoga this weekend.  Took in Geri Portnoy's class yesterday morning.  I enjoy her teaching style -- she is so calm and measured, with lots of interesting stories to use in her theming, and always something I've not experienced before.  Yesterday's -- a brief foray into the Dance of Shiva arm movements -- fun stuff.

Whenever I attend a class away from 'home base', I find myself thinking 'how would I say that', 'can I incorporate the verbage this teacher used', stuff like that.  That's understandable, as I move along this path; I just need to pull myself back to the class and let myself enjoy and learn from the teaching.  Not get too involved in the comparison game, and to just be a student in a yoga class.

So, back to SLC, where I see (on my Mac) it's snowing.  I am very happy it's warmer.  Heard there was a misstep at the studio while I was gone.  Winter auto woes will take their toll occasionally -- this one, a broken key while unlocking the car door, leaving instructor stranded in one part of town, as class was to begin.  The 'key' to this?  Take a breath, do what we can to notify people, and hope their moods are forgiving.

Enjoy Monday,

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