Friday, January 22, 2010


That is the noun I must apply to the just-finished on-line mentoring course with Christina Sell.

For 12 weeks, Christina has posted a series of vignettes.  In these little videos (sometimes 10-15 in a lesson, each about 1-3 minutes long), she broke down the elements of our teaching, gave us tips, mapped out formulas, provided 'pep' talks, etc., etc., etc.

This morning, I listened to the last, the 12th.  I feel sad that it's over, yet I also feel she has given me so many tools that I am extremely grateful.  I'll miss tuning in each week to the 'secret' blog (access only to those who registered), and adding more information and methods to use to improve and develop my teaching skills.

Much of the information she gave us I have heard in other trainings.  The difference?  No distractions, no questions to take us off track, no interruptions.  If I or someone from the group did have questions, we were welcome to write in after viewing the lessons and ask them through the comment section.  For me, very effective.

Now, tho, the work begins (continues).  Video'ing my classes on a routine basis -- not just when I think about it.  It must become a habit.  So, any students of mine reading this, prepare yourselves to see the camera a LOT.  These may not be videos that anyone else sees, but I (and my students) must get used to that little camera in the room.

Me and my video camera will become one!

Have a nice Friday

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