Friday, January 8, 2010


I took my students on journeys yesterday -- journeys away from their center, their comfort zone.  All thanks to MariaCristina.  Her recent blog was the source of this inspiration (Is that stealing?  I did give her credit for the original thought.), and I did modify it to fit my and my students' situations.  The thought was SO good, I couldn't resist.

And, Wayne used a similar theme in his class.  I used to think yoga teachers had a secret network, where they shared ideas and class plans.  It would never fail that I'd go to one class, then the next day arrive for a different teacher's class only to hear and do many of the same things!  I even asked once or twice about this.  To be told that 'no, that's just how the universe works - how the energy moves'.  I believe it now.

Both days this week, YogaHour has been very well attended -- is it the New Year? or something else?  No matter, I have been thoroughly enjoying having great energy in the room.

Yesterday's class was a mix of old (not age) and newer students, but almost everyone had been in my class prior to yesterday.  The one new student was obviously well-trained in her yoga.  So - as rarely happens in my classes - I was able to teach the entire group the same things, offering just a couple modifications.   Able to practice some of the 'drills' Christina Sell has been offering us through the mentoring course, and able to enjoy and marvel at the steadfast and graceful movement happening in the room.  What Fun!

As I re-read this post, I must say that some of these students started yoga with me.  So, to see the results of their studentship and my teaching is indeed gratifying.   Some might say "why are you surprised, you know this stuff".  I suppose it is because I am just experiencing students who began studying with me (with no previous knowledge) and are routinely coming to my classes; therefore, I am now witnessing the results of my work and their committed effort.  Good stuff.

Gentle Yoga this morning at 10 am, then an appointment to learn more about my Mac.


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