Thursday, March 4, 2010


This morning has started normally, but will not go as usually planned.  So far, I have sat for a while, organized a few things, read my e-mail, Facebook, and my usual blogs.

When I got to Facebook and the blogs, I find numerous entries related to the Advanced Intensive in LA.  In particular MarieCristina's blog.  Makes me wish I were there; also makes me a little thankful I didn't pursue it.  Why?

Three years ago, I attended my first intermediate/advanced workshop with John in LA.  An intermediate/advanced workshop is a challenge; the same workshop in LA is 'over the top'.  So many incredible practitioners in California, that John really kicks the amps up a few (or many) notches.  Advice to anyone attending his workshops -- look at the venue and surrounding kula; then decide.  I'm not saying I regret doing it; I'm just saying it was tough.  I actually made it through one of the "Eye of the Tiger" practices -- it may not have been pretty, but I made it and I'm proud of that accomplishment.

The Advanced Intensive has always been held in Tucson; this year, LA.  So, I'm sure the amps are going up.  MarieCristina mentoned 20 urdhva dhanurasanas yesterday -- 20.  I'm happy to do 3.  I'm sure the 20 weren't just plain urdhva's either; probably a number of variations mixed in.

What I read in her blog that I would love to experience is the discipline that he is bringing to this weekend -- I so appreciate that.  I love to be in a room of people quietly doing their work; no chatter, no sighing, no noise except the rustle of clothing as people move.  Such discipline required to do a practice in that manner.

So, why is today different?  I will be flying out later this morning to Spokane.  My Father had what they think is a minor stroke yesterday -- his left side and speech is affected.  I will go up to help my Mom and to hopefully make some major lifestyle changes for them.

I have arranged for subs for all classes --- if you come to my classes, you will have a good, although different, experience.  Don is teaching Thursday's two classes; Cindy is helping on Friday morning; and next Tuesday Jen Farrell is teaching YogaHour.  At Kula, Brent is taking today's and Monday's classes. I hope to be back next Wednesday for class.

By the way, yesterday's classes went fine -- Gentle Yoga was fun (as I expected).  The jail was fine, also.  A different mix, so different dynamics in the room.

Have a nice Thursday,


Claudia said...

Sorry to hear about your dad, Leslie. Have as good a trip to Spokane as possible.. and keep breathing!

Jenifer said...

Leslie! Sending love and sweetness your way! xo

Jenifer said...

Leslie! Thinking of you and sending love your way!