Monday, March 1, 2010


This is post #300, and it's worth mentioning that - at least to me.  Quite an accomplishment.

After getting up early on Sunday, Clytie, Bonnie and I spruced up the house a bit (sheets, towels, etc.); I walked the dogs --- in a crisp and cool 11 degrees (but, it was beautiful and the Tetons were magnificent); then we all got ourselves ready, loaded the car with dogs and luggage and pulled out for session 4 with Christina.

Unlike Saturday, the stiffness was gone and I felt good moving through the first two hours -- she is so clear in her direction and the outcome to expect.  Then it was into some preparatory backbend work and working towards full eka pada rajakapotasana (using a wall and then a partner).  Christina is exploring ways we can do these challenging poses using inanimate objects; thereby eliminating our excuses for not doing them when we are practicing by ourselves.  And, it works.  Close, so close to grabbing my toe (or at least touching it).  

There are some photos posted from parts of the weekend on her blog, if you're curious.  

We finished up about 12:30, changed out of the sweaty yoga clothes, I walked the dogs a bit, then it was in the car and on the road to SLC at 1 pm.  Long drives go considerably faster with a friend to talk to.  Clytie and I chatted about yoga, snow fences, boat trips, etc. (tho, mostly about yoga) for almost the entire 4 hours of the drive.  I dropped her off at 5, and was home by 5:45 -- Wow!   Effortless drive.

Teaching at 9:15 this morning, Level 1 at Kula; got to plan.

Have a mellow Monday,

1 comment:

Sundari said...

Both Christina and I were acknowledging the advancement of your practice. An accomplishment of devoted time, study and practice! And practice you have!! So fun to watch. Thanks for opening up your house in the Tetons so we could enjoy the weekend of beautiful practice together. Sundari