Saturday, April 3, 2010


First, let me just say that it is still snowing here in SLC.  We had a very mild winter all-in-all; so, perhaps this is Mother Nature playing 'catch-up'.  There's about an inch of snow on the deck this morning (remember, I had shoveled about 8 inches off on Thursday).  Oh well, everyone who laments the snow adds the comment "we need it".  So, I'll just go with that.

I've been working with my Gentle Yoga on building strength.  In fact, as we did a few knee-down push-ups this past week, the question was asked "is this yoga?".  It was a giggly group, so we all had a good laugh, I answered "yes, in a way", and we finished the reps.   We moved on (after a few 'true' yoga moves) to sit-ups.

While I sometimes wonder about doing this in a class, I remember a workshop with Desiree (who, by the way just announced that she and Andrew are ENGAGED!) in Springdale.  One of her opening lines on Saturday morning was "most people quit yoga because they discover it's work".  Then she proceeded to put us through our paces --- glute-strengthening moves, push-ups, sit-ups --- lots of things that made us wonder "is this yoga?".  End result -- if we keep working on this strengthening, our asana practice becomes stronger and more confident.  First, tho, we have to do the work.

Interesting the parallel thinking that goes on in some of the blogs I read.  For example, Christina has written in several of her recent blog entries, that we have to do the work; we cannot simply 'hope' that something will happen.

Back to Gentle Yoga.  Yesterday's class was small, but included women who are interested in getting stronger (though I hear about how much they dislike it - a lot).  We stayed close to the floor since one is struggling with a disease that is destroying her balance.  That means we did sit-ups, push-ups, hamstring strengthening moves, hip stretches and thigh stretches (not in that order); I then had them do some twisting, and pranayama while lying down and using a blanket for support.

Midway through the class, I mentioned the challenge (any variation of vasisthasana, held for a minute on each side).  Wouldn't you know, they wanted to give it a try!  So, we did.  Our variation:  knee down, one leg extended back - foot on floor, corresponding arm reaching to the sky.  First try, I timed them for 30 seconds.  That wasn't enough for them, so we did one minute each side.

Their question of me:  "will this make our arms 'buff'?"  I answered "yes, buff with attitude, if nothing else"; because they did it!

Hope your Saturday is great,

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