Thursday, April 22, 2010


Just a last-minute post for those of you clinging to every moment of this exam experience -- I handed the completed test to the Fedex people at 12:45 p.m. MST today.  It will be delivered by 10:30 am, Texas-time (CST?) tomorrow. 

It's been checked, double-checked, and triple checked. 

Then a moment of panic -- did I name an apex pose correctly?  Turns out that - depending on your source of information - the Sanskrit name I used is o.k.  There are others, however.  Well, that's not worth a trip back to pull it out of Fedex's hands.  Because, quite frankly, I don't know which Sanskrit name for that pose the test reviewer's will prefer.  So, I just have to let it go. 

Of the 8 days I've had the test in my hands, today has been the most hectic.  I think when we come right to the point of completing a project like this, we kind of lose our cool.  Then, things start to go wrong -- the printer won't work, the numbering of the questions is off, I missed one definition.  So, find a printer that does work, correct the errors, re-print.  Then, how do you put it all together in the most comprehensive manner?  Will the 'home office' understand what I've done in terms of formatting? 

Like Cindy said a few minutes ago, "feel good about what you've done and don't stress about it".  So, that's what I'm going to do. 

I'll give myself a week to relax, then a visit to Spokane to get a house ready to sell, then -- for sure -- a visit to San Diego.  And, then I'll begin to get serious about the video. 

Blog to you all tomorrow,

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