Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hardly seems like a Friday (or Saturday, I guess) without posting a "notes" blog.  Though, most of my 'notes' this week will relate to the test.

1.  I sent my request for the test last Sunday.  Instructions from Anusara® had told me to give the office  two days to process my request.  I posted, on Thursday, that the test was sent to me Wednesday, April 14, and April 14 is my start date.  I have 10 days to complete it.

2.  As a somewhat compulsive person when it comes to note-taking, tracking of hours, etc., you can only imagine how I'm approaching the test.  I'm even amazing myself!
  1. I dedicated a space in our house to the test (dining room table).  Papers, computer, are all temporary residents in that space, while I take the test.  Nothing gets moved or disturbed in this space.  
  2. I am (so far) sticking with my plan to allot 2-3 hours each day for the test; with another hour or so in the evening (bedtime reading).  
  3. I am keeping a log of the process - time spent, what I worked on, and I've added another element - observations.  Seems kind of superfluous, but this is a big deal in my life -- I might want to remember it in greater detail.  
  4. Discipline is the rule of order when it comes to the test.  (My husband may be very happy when these 10 days are past.)
3.  About three years ago, at the same time as I organized my notes, I also started my own 'dictionary' of Sanskrit words/terms.  When reading the books, when taking notes, I kept coming across words that I felt I needed to remember.  So, my solution:  using a table format in my word processing program, I typed in words I thought valuable in the first column, with their definition or meaning in the second column.  Two examples:  

        Word                    Meaning / Definition
        Hasya                    Joy
        Acts of Shiva        Creation, sustenance, concealment, revealment, dissolution

I review and add to these periodically.  For me - very valuable.  
4.  As usual, the kula is stepping up to the plate.  And, not just SLC kula -- comments are coming in from far and wide, and from students and teachers I've never met.  Great support, thank you.

5.  No one fails, no one fails, no one fails!
Teaching at 9 am; got to wrap this up and get ready.  
Nice day here; hope your Saturday is nice also, 


Christina Sell said...

Enjoy taking the test. In general, it is a great review and a time to get really inspired by how much you have learned and all there is to know...Good luck!

Kimberly Achelis Hoggan aka Sita LivDeep said...

i love you posts. I also have a note book of vocab. but you are insiring. I now have started a excel worksheet of vocab! thanks