Sunday, April 11, 2010


I actually slept in a bit this morning (6 a.m.).  For me 6 a.m. is 'sleeping in' - realize that I am not a late night person.

Last night was rough for our dogs -- neither like storms and we have one blowing in as I write.  Storms in Utah work like this:  nice day, then the wind starts (usually from the south), wind keeps blowing stronger and stronger blowing up dust (dust - in winter?) and bringing the clouds in.  Then rain (or snow), accompanied at times by thunder and lightening.  Both dogs totally DO NOT like the thunder and lightening.  Last night, this dislike expanded to the wind.  So, try to go to sleep with a shivering, panting dog sitting next to the bed, right by your head.  That's a challenge.  I did it though - one hand on the dog; both of us awakened this a.m. in about the same position.

At this time, my two favorite blogs are Christina Sell and MariaCristina.  There are others I like and learn from, but these two speak to me.  I've studied with Christina, and MariaCristina is so generous with her knowledge, as is Christina.  Each time I comment to MariaCristina I receive a response; I've even gotten e-mails for no reason at all -- she is an attentive and supportive person.  When I am in the LA area, I'll be sure to try and get in a class with her - and finally meet her.

After my blog where I ranted a bit about students and studentship, MariaCristina wrote a blog entry about a similar topic - addressing adhikara.  She expanded on the topic, correlating the qualities of students to the five elements (space, air, water, fire, earth) - ((when I talk about students, I am including teachers -- we are all students, always)).  Space here does not mean 'spacey'; if you link to MariaCristina's blog, you'll learn how to correlate studentship to the elements.  I've also heard the qualities of studentship related to hot sauce --  mild, medium and hot, and I've seen some EXTRA HOT.
  • The mild student attends class once in a while.  Does what is asked of him/her, and comes back when the mood strikes again.  
  • The medium student is a bit more enthusiastic about the practice of yoga -- he/she attends class regularly, once or twice a week.  And, may even do a home practice.
  • The hot student is on fire - coming to class as often as possible, eager to learn, inquiring and exploring their growth in the practice.  
  • Extra hot -- well, kick it up another notch (or three).
One is not better than the other.  It simply is a recognition that not everyone is the same; not everyone will approach their yoga practice at the same level of enthusiasm and dedication.

That's a lesson to learn as an instructor.  I might love it if everyone were on fire; if my classes were full of students hanging on my every word (kind of like a JF workshop or training); if everyone enjoyed the 'nerdy' yoga points as much as I do.  To avoid disappointment (on my part), this is very valuable knowledge -- to realize that not everyone in my classes will do these things.

So, I recognize and accept this.  I teach my best classes, I give it my best shot; recognizing that some will love it, some will enjoy it, some will accept it.  Hopefully, if I do my job well, everyone leaves feeling better.

Ever wonder where your thoughts come from? I am, as I re-read this.

Have a restful Sunday,

1 comment:

franallen said...

I liked your post. Keep posting interesting matters here.
