Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Flew back to SLC yesterday, after a great weekend with my son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons, Jack & Brady.  And, as I wrote earlier, a few days with them makes my life look positively restful -- they are on the go most days.  The third boy is due in August; life will change for all of us when he arrives!

On another note, I will be working on BJ Galvan's upcoming workshop at The Yoga Center (June 4-6). Happy to see that my Facebook invite is getting results, but need more.  Interesting to me that students at my studio have the impression that these workshops are for instructors only. I try to dispel that belief each time I host a visiting instructor; haven't figured out an effective way to do that, yet.

After applying for Certification this Winter, I am naturally curious about the recently-held 'Certified Teachers' Gathering'. As any organization grows, there are associated growing pains. Necessary, but not always easy. I am happy to be reading blogs, facebook entries, etc., that indicate the vision of Anusara remains the same. I recall a time when there were only 100 Certified instructors of the method; now that number approaches 300. Imagine the diversity that has entered the field when you increase the numbers 200%?

The Inspired™ population has also grown. My entry into this group happened when it was first established and when there were still 'Affiliated' instructors (a category that has been eliminated). The numbers for this group exploded, when all you needed to do was apply and say you had been teaching some style of yoga. The uncontrolled growth of this population resulted in the now very stringent application and qualification process (a process that is repeated annually).  The number of Inspired™ instructors stabilized (and decreased a bit) with this increased level of control.

All this to say that growth is not easy. And, even more closely monitored growth has it's 'fits and starts'.  Something done one way, one year, may change as the organization continues on it's growth path. It's part of the process - a process meant to develop teachers in the most effective manner and assure students receive the best Anusara® teaching possible.

So, I'm back. Ready to take a class this morning from Wayne, then make my way to The Yoga Center (paperwork, YUK!).  Teaching YogaHour at 4 pm.

Have a nice Tuesday,

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