Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The excitement has died down a bit now that the workshop has ended. BJ and I are planning a future date, but nothing in stone, yet. All in all, it was a great weekend.

I used much of what I learned as I taught yesterday. For the first time, I taught some hand balances that I had not taught before. Why hadn't I taught them? For starters, I'm not very accomplished at them and - unless I'm really warmed up, they don't even come close to looking like much more than a rough version - requiring a good imagination to see the full expression. That means, my verbal skills must be very refined to teach the poses.

I've heard over and over that to teach a pose, it's not required that I be able to do the pose. I do, however, have to have knowledge of the pose and the verbal side becomes many times more important without the ability to demo. It's also helpful to have a room of students who are 'ready'.

"Ready" students presented themselves in the two classes I taught yesterday. In the morning, students were strong in their yoga, excited about Anusara, yet a bit deprecating about their ability to balance on their hands. Perfect. We warmed up, and took a ride into vascistasana, bakasana (working towards extending one leg), and astavakrasana. Just one of those poses might have been enough - but an eager audience is one just asking for more than one - so, three ought to do it -- right? (You can tell that I was a bit eager, as well.)

The afternoon class, which I was subbing, is a group up for any challenge. When I asked what they had been working on, I got the response "lots of sun salutations". That answer spoke 'change it up', to me. And, as we warmed up, they looked "ready". Stayed with vascistasana (top leg in tree), and basic bakasana. A bit of tumbling, but strong, stable poses the second time around. Fun to teach and to watch.

So, what is next?  More personal practice; while steady is good, kicking it up a notch never hurt anyone. More travel (first to see parents, then to visit son & family). Training with John in Park City (if I get accepted). Thinking seriously about the 'Grand Gathering'.

The first 'Grand Gathering' I stayed away from.  It's difficult for me to function in a room of 150+ people; all I could think was - 800 people. This year, it's not quite so intimidating (see, growth & change does happen after 60). Plus, this offers opportunities to study with some people I haven't experienced before. Good stuff.

Busy Summer - take it one step at a time.

Today? Wayne's class, then teaching YogaHour at 4 pm.

Have a great Tuesday,

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