Monday, July 12, 2010


I spent a great weekend with Grandsons Jack & Brady (and their parents). They are SO growing up; and we'll have a 3rd (name to be Carson) the next time I see them.

Jack (who you see in the picture with me), is almost 4 (or at least he will be 4 in November). He still has the blonde hair, is still cute and is smart as a whip (a Grandmother's perspective, but true nevertheless).  He's riding a 2-wheel bike now - with training wheels - and shows little fear of speed. I'll bet those training wheels are gone very soon. He's also playing board games - Grandma Leslie got lots of "CandyLand" time in; and she really dislikes games. It is fun to watch them grow and learn right before your eyes. Take "CandyLand" as an example. Day one, I said 'draw a card'. The response - 'we don't draw cards' (as in artwork drawing). Very literal thinker. Day two, 'draw a card' had an additional meaning and he was using it with this second meaning.

Brady is almost 2, as blonde as his brother, a pleaser when in the mood; cute and smart, as well. Both he and Jack are taking swimming lessons, and I was able to watch the lesson. The instructor stood him on the side of the pool, maneuvered his body position into position for a 'race dive', and asked him to jump - which he did. I believe this was the first time he had been asked to do this position. The second time she set him up on the side of the pool, there was no need for instruction - he just assumed the position and, on cue, dove into the pool.  Wow! Grandma 'Essie' was impressed (that's me).

We also had an opportunity to do an 'adult' evening with our son and daughter-in-law; went to see 'Avenue Q', after a great dinner at a restaurant sitting right on the water. Enjoyable and relaxing evening.

All in all, a great weekend.

It will be a great week, as well.  First, I will have the toilets at the studio back to better running order today -- it's not that they don't work, it's that you have to dive into the inner workings to get them to work efficiently. I know that's not everyone's favorite way to deal with a toilet, but we do what we have to do. Today, however, the repairman comes.

This week I shift back to teaching Tuesday mornings, 10 a.m., Level 1. This will replace the Thursday evening class, which Jen took over for me.

AND, WHAT ELSE HAPPENS ON TUESDAY?   PAUL McCARTNEY !!!  I have always enjoyed the Beatles and Paul's recordings; my husband is an even bigger fan. So, when we heard he was coming to SLC, we were quick on the phone for those tickets.  From what we've heard, he is doing some outstanding and very personable shows.

I am a bit behind the 8-ball on blogging; will be back in form tomorrow - I hope.

Hope you have a nice Monday,

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