Thursday, July 29, 2010

UPDATE, Etc. . . .

My newest Grandson, Carson, is having better days. Weaning off the ventilator, being held and getting diapers changed by his Mother. (When, in our previously uncomplicated lives, would she ever have enjoyed changing a diaper so much!?!?) It's a better time; there may still be issues to deal with; but, better.

I returned to SLC on Monday, squared away the critters for the housesitter, and took a flight up to deal with parental issues. I receive my updates on Carson and family via phone (and, now a blog started by the parents). If things weren't going so well, that would be difficult; but, we do what we have to do. And, things are going well.

Thank you, all, for your positive thoughts and prayers for this little one.

Then, I've been reading with interest reaction to the Times article regarding Anusara® Yoga and John Friend, first was the response from instructors of Anusara® Yoga, and - most recently - John's personal response. In all of these, the intention has been to acknowledge the article was mostly accurate; and, then, to point out inaccuracies with explanation. (to read John's response, go to, click on community, go to 'John's blog' (the original article is also linked there).

I know when I read the article, I was a bit put off by the author and wondered about her intentions. I read similar comments and felt justified. Then, I read BJ Galvan's blog and was able to put my reaction more in perspective. Still, tho, I sense an unsettledness in the community as a result; and I know that when I'm unsettled I can fall victim to saying unwarranted or unhealthy comments.

A good reminder this morning came from Olga's blog (, in which she talks about the '4 Gates of Speech' when considering the words we use.

Are they true? 
Are they necessary? 
Are they beneficial? 
Are they kind?

In my year of trying to speak more clearly, I refer to these 'gates' frequently - and, I find there are many times that I'd love to say something that doesn't meet the criteria to pass the gate. It would make for much more interesting conversation, if I could get it through the gate.

Another 'gate' I've been introduced to is "Is it my story?".

What does 'is it my story?' mean to me? That my right to relay the story is limited. I cannot relay it with accuracy, because I'm not one of the characters. I also don't have permission to relay another person's story.

Besides, I have enough on my plate. When I begin to communicate other persons' issues ('stories'), then I often times will assume the associated worry or angst. I don't need that. Right now, there are enough stories that involve me, and taking on someone else's only increases the 'story' burden I'm carrying.

So, Gate #5:  "Is it my story?"

Going to do some yoga today in Coeur d'alene. Need it.

Have a good Thursday,

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