Monday, August 9, 2010


Home for a full day on Sunday; how strange was that? Actually, it was nice not to have to think about packing for another trip.

We did have plans to drive to Park City for the annual Arts Festival. Hopped in the car early, drove up for breakfast at a local eatery, then checked out each booth at the Festival. We were there early enough that crowds were not an issue - at least, not until 11 am or so.

As we walked the booths, I was amazed by the number of people I saw who I have met teaching yoga. Even more surprising? That I remembered many names, and was able to easily say "Hello, ____"; perhaps chat for a minute, then move on.  Love that (being able to remember names).

Since I finished my Certification written exam, there has been a pile of books and papers residing on the dining room table. I dust around it and it is a neat pile, but a pile nevertheless. I just finished perusing exactly what is in that pile (note, in the months since I completed the exam, this pile has been added to as yoga materials arrived in the house).  Contents:
  • Many printouts of Yoga Journal articles; in particular, I enjoy Julie Gudmested's writing. FYI, Julie is a yoga teacher and physical therapist -- a lot of knowledge and insight to be gained from her articles.  Also found some of Sally Kempton's offerings. All of these I need to organize, perhaps re-read in some cases -- especially as their topics relate to many students arriving in my classes (knees, sciatic issues, scoliosis, etc.).
  • Lesson plans. I type my lesson plans - especially since completing Christina's on-line mentoring program. Remember, too, that when a video is submitted, it must be accompanied by the plan for the class -- I guess so they can see if/how I followed it or, if I deviated is the reason visible on the video(?), etc.  Note to self -- in the future, date the plans (so much easier to file).  It also would be helpful to grade it after using it -- something like A+++ or C or 'train-wreck' -- like that.  
  • Books. Some read, some not, some I need to read. I maintain a library at the studio that is available for instructors and students to use (they can check out a book for up to 2 weeks -- so far, I haven't lost too many books to forgetfulness). I also have a small library of my favorite and 'required' reading books at home. Need to decide where these 'dining room table residers' will go.  
  • Miscellaneous notes. From workshops, trainings, etc. Typed yet? Can't tell - need to spend some time studying these.  
Some work to do, but at least now I know what work; before it was just a 'pile' to be dusted around.

Today's Activities:  
  • Continue organizing/cleaning at home,
  • An airport run - not for me, tho,
  • Visit the studio - paperwork and do some cleaning there, also,
  • Work on hamstrings (mine), and
  • Tiffany's class, 5:30 pm.
Have a good Monday,

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