Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Six days until Immersion III begins.

The class I subbed for Mary went well - very well-schooled practitioners, who have learned tons of alignment from Mary (who is working towards a Certification with Dave Stryker).  Her dance background contributes to this alignment emphasis, plus her continuing work to attend training and workshops, including many with Anusara® instructors.

And, I did do some work around the studio after class - including some cleaning. Next stop my storeroom - it's a bit out of control right now.

I stuck with my plan to attend Tiffany's class last night. Great class, accompanied by Leraine Horstmanshoff on guitar, didgeridoo, voice, etc.  One of the fun parts was Leraine's little dog - cutest little thing, and he has attitude -- you just don't walk up to that dog and expect to be welcomed. He does not have the Golden Retriever or Lab personality -- more of a Schnauzer with a little pit bull thrown in (all wrapped in a 3-lb package). He conducted himself very well, sleeping as we practiced; once or twice throwing in a well-timed bark as people walked their dogs by the studio.

Enough about the dog -- an indication of how much I love dogs.

A practice with Tiffany is fun and a great learning experience for me. She has worked hard to develop her voice and the students clearly love her. Big group - must have been 40 in the room.  Add Leraine to the mix and the energy level goes way up. Leraine's timing is impeccable -- throwing in a few didgeridoo 'dog barks' each time we were asked to assume down dog. Even a little 'cat meow' towards the end.

Tiffany worked us in handstand at the wall and in urdhva dhanurasana. She knows me. That explains why each time she explained both of these poses to the group, I believe there were well-placed looks in my direction. I'd like to think she was transmitting 'you getting this?' The timing and partnering didn't allow me time to try to kick, but I did do a reasonable assisted handstand to the wall -- that was fun and I felt good afterwards.

The urdhva -- well, let's just say the journey to the top of my head went well. Then, hit the 'stop' button. Funny how this pose is really sporadic for me. I pushed up Friday night, but Monday - no (at least not without some help).  I'm still stuck on trying to push up with my arms 75% of the time (once in a while, the shoulders and shoulderblades get it - those are the successful times). My hope is that - with continued practice and a knowledge and cultivation of the push, it will begin to happen more consistently.

So, today?
Teaching Level 1 at The Yoga Center at 10 am
A few errands
Teaching YogaHour, also at The Yoga Center, 4 pm

Hope your day is a good one,

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