Monday, August 16, 2010


Counting down until JF begins Immersion 3 in Park City. Happy to be anticipating and participating in this great week - another opportunity to connect with old friends and meet some new ones, enjoy practicing under John's guidance, and learning.

I attended John's Immersion 1 in San Francisco. I'm embarrassed to say that "super note-taker" (me) fell down on her job for that event -- oh, I took notes, I just didn't transcribe them as soon as I should have. Some of their 'sakti' has been lost to procrastination.  Unfortunately, I missed Immersion 2 -- a long way to travel right about the time my Father and Mother were moving.

My plan is to do a better job at this Immersion of both note-taking and note-transcribing.  Then, there's the practice portion -- a major memory of San Francisco is the amount and intensity of the asana we did during each of the 5 days.  Not necessarily the most challenging poses, but lonnnggg holds and lots of them.

It will be fun!

I had lots of good stuff planned for Saturday morning and had planned to video; at the last minute, decided - no, not this morning.  Why? One new-to-yoga person arrived - now, that would be a good thing to incorporate into a video -- an indication of how I handle the unexpected.  Sometimes, tho, I just can't predict what will happen -- how much body awareness the person has, what their learning style is, what injuries they have. Plus, with the camera on, everyone gets a bit more nervous -- not the best or nicest thing to do to a new-to-yoga person.  So, no video this week.

My Saturday afternoon was quiet - culminating with a weekly private, then dinner with Howard.  Sunday was equally quiet - we started out with a nice walk in a nearby canyon (lots of uphill), then puttered around the yard and house, then dinner and an outdoor concert. Nice day.

As I re-read my last post, I felt I didn't quite explain the value of the bullet-pointed things I keep noticing in my notes.  It's important to know that these are things that JF tell us in every training - maybe multiple times in a training. Rather than filling space in my notes, I hope they reflect the importance of remembering these points when I plan and teach.  Just needed to say that.

Today's schedule:
Painters coming to the house to give an estimate (!?!?!)
Teaching for Mary at 10, Vinyasa 1-2 (Anusara-Inspired™ by me)
Home to do laundry, clean, whatever
Class with Tiffany

Enjoy your Monday,

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