Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CARSON (aka Champ) IS HOME

My newest grandson, Carson, arrived home from the hospital last night. I am with the family, trying to be helpful; so, feel very blessed to be here when he gets to experience his parents and brothers in this environment for the first time.  Everyone getting to know one another.

For having a rocky start - he has earned the nickname 'Champ'. And, I'll call him the "calm champ". Very laid back, sleeps through all the noise and activity his family members can produce, and - even when awake - just seems to be taking it all in; equanimity in action.

As for me? Well, I miss my teaching - this is the second week I've been gone (all for good reason, but I still miss it). And, I'm re-learning the skills needed to navigate through the day with a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old. Keeping me on my toes.

Yesterday's challenge - take Jack and Brady to their swim lessons (by myself). Doesn't sound too involved; but, managing car seats, walking through parking lots with the two of them (and swimming paraphernalia), changing out of wet suits and into dry clothes -- I now have a new appreciation for Mothers of more than one (I just had one).  I think I learned this a few years back when I did similar care for my two older grandsons; but, this must be a bit like childbirth -- I'd forgotten.

Another impact of this - my blog writing is suffering.  Not much time in the a.m. before boys are up, and then there is no time. Writing this late, after boys are in bed and things have settled down.

So, back to SLC on Saturday, and back to routine on Monday.

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