Sunday, August 1, 2010


I am one who has a small number of friends on Facebook (especially when compared with some). Why? Well, I have this understanding of the word 'friend' (def: A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.), and that understanding (and my Facebook activities) follows the definition.

I probably will hesitate to ask 'so and so' to be my friend, if I have never met them, or if we do not have a connection of some sort - just goes against something in my head.  I will, however, extend my hand or accept 'friendship' requests from people I don't know, if I'd like to get to know a person, or their work, better -- i.e. Elena Brower. I don't know Elena, but I know of her, I respect and admire her work as an Anusara® Yoga instructor, and there is much I can learn from having a connection (i.e. Facebook 'friend' or 'fan').

I'm not 'dis-sing' the networking aspect of Facebook -- that's good. It's just that, for me, getting past the 'friend' label is a toughie. Maybe I'd be better at accumulating a good number of 'friends' if, instead, they were called 'connections' or 'contacts' or 'links'.

Just a thought.

That leads to what I noticed this morning.  I'm following my routine - read my blogs, read my Facebook page, post my own blog entry. Yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga -- 95% of the entries are about yoga. Yoga quotes, yoga friends finding new friends, yoga updates on Wanderlust, yoga postings on who is attending what workshop, etc., etc., etc. Then, snap back to my former reality - an entry by a friend from the past (high school, no less!) who is having trouble finding huckleberries this year; had to buy them.

This leads to some serious gear shifting.  Reading along, yoga, yoga, yoga; whoa, brake and shift onto a totally different subject. Just an observation. It's early.

I am home - wonderful to be home. Arrived about noon yesterday, Howard picked me up and took me to lunch, then home to unpack, do some laundry, get a bit organized, sit for a few minutes. Up to teach a private, and then to a dinner at a student's home.

My private was the same student I wrote about earlier in the week - the whiplash. Student returned and we continued to work with the shoulder blades (and, a comment was made that awareness has shifted - a good thing). We also did some of the work I experienced in Karen's class earlier in the week (thank you, Karen).  Good thing.

Dinner was great -- so nice to hang out with students. We all get to see another side of one another -- plus see how we look in non-yoga clothes. It was fun and the fact that her husband did all the work - we women were his guests, was special. Thank you.

Today? Organizing to go to help Grandson Carson's family tomorrow. Fortunately, Howard will be home, so not too much to do to get house ready -- just clean up my own stuff.

Oh, and some paperwork for the studio.

Enjoy Sunday,

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