Thursday, September 30, 2010


There is a quote from John Friend, Founder of Anusara® yoga that goes something like this:

"When the body is aligned, magic happens."

I feel that magic all the time. I wonder, at times, how many of the students attending my classes feel it. I believe the students who regularly attend classes get it - the magic (they may not, however, call it 'magic'). Yesterday I got a few exciting 'hits' of feedback from people who have not studied with me for extended periods.  I am so excited and happy, I feel giddy -- so I'm sharing:

First, Gentle Yoga -- more people than usual in the class (again!?!?!?). Included in the group a couple of friends, one new-to-me and one new-to-yoga (with a bad back). After attending Tiffany's class on Monday, I borrowed her theme of spanda, re-aligned it to fit me and my experiences. Throughout the class we moved in and out of poses -- bending and straightening elbows, knees; extending through fingertips then hugging shoulders and shoulder blades onto the back body, pulsing through this class, bumping our heads (or bodies) against our individual threshholds and using pulsation to create growth.  At one point, I overheard the new-to-yoga student say to her friend "this is the mild yoga?". More proof that my definition of 'gentle' includes 'gradually increasing', meaning we work / we take breaks / then we work some more.

So, what happened?  As the new-to-yoga student left, she took a moment to tell me that she had worried about her back before taking my class. However, the alignment instructions she received in the class allowed her to do much more than she ever thought possible. (Magic?) It was work, and she left feeling good -- I asked her, I can be subtle as a rock some days. More magic.

Adam arrived just as Gentle Yoga ended, so no time to fret about handstands -- we started working, stretching lower back, hips, legs. Attempted a kick to the wall - can you say 'hang time'?  I can, now.
More movement through hips and extending up to mid and upper back and neck. Another attempt. More 'hang time'. Then a little help to the wall.  With all the opening he had roadmapped me through, I felt more powerful at the wall (I usually fade after 5 seconds, if helped to the wall). This time, hips, back, neck and shoulders more open, the time at the wall felt good and I was able to stay there for a while and experience it. In my book, Magic!

I ran a quick errand, grabbed something for lunch, then back to the studio to teach a private. The couple I wrote about yesterday returned for their third session for me. As you read this, remember 'third'.

Without giving too much detail, let's just say both are a bit stiff. For  her, we talked a bit about a drooped shoulder on Monday and about the benefits of thighs back, feet parallel, feet energized. For him, we worked with his kyphosis, tight hips, sore knee, benefits of energizing the feet. For both, we've been working on balance. Being new-to-yoga, they've also been getting some introduction to the philosophy and methods of Anusara® yoga.

Let me briefly describe a little of what I saw yesterday:

   1.   Less kyphosis = magic
   2.   More able to sit in sukhasana = magic
   3.   Shoulders level = magic
   4.   Ardha Chandrasana (at the wall) = MAGIC

And the knee? Complaints had been heard about how painful the knee was when driving his car. I suggested a basic alignment principle -- when seated in the driver's seat, manually inner spiral the right leg, then the left. And, do not let the knee move away from the midline while driving. Also, a little seat adjustment might help, so play with that a bit. Result? Knee does not hurt when driving. More magic.

Here's another 'hit' of the magic for me:  this couple is really working at this; they see the benefit and they want more. Be still my heart.

Let me just say that none of this is unique to my teaching.  It is all information that I've learned through the many trainings, workshops and classes I've attended. I can't take credit for developing any of it; but, I can feel good about being a 'messenger of magic' (should we make some t-shirts, anyone?)

Today's Schedule:
   Window Washer at my house -- finally, and let's hope it doesn't rain in the next few days
   Housekeeper at my house -- giving in, can't do it all, need some help in this arena
   Sorting, cleaning out, etc.
   Teaching Yoga Hour at 4 pm at The Yoga Center

Hope you have a magic Thursday,

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