Sunday, October 31, 2010


This may sound simple to most of you, but wrapping arms around legs has never been easy.  I had perfected it to one side, but the other remained elusive.  Yesterday, that changed!

Not sure why. Maybe it's because I've lost a few pounds -- but, I usually won't accept extra poundage as an excuse for not doing something, so I must apply the same logic to myself.  Better reason -- it may be because I'm become more mobile in my shoulders.  What has changed?

First, the training with Sundari offered me an 'opportunity' to have her work my shoulders and shoulder blades. Second, Adam has been doing similarly - though, not with the compassion that Sundari offered. He is getting in there and making them move (shoulder blades). I am sure I had bruises. It's all for the greater good, so I will accept and appreciate it, through discomfort and all.

Where did this breakthrough happen?  I attended a class at Yoga Tejas yesterday morning.  A good one, themed around Halloween -- turning on the lights inside, so our spirit world - which is scary at times - wouldn't be quite so forbidding; then hugging to the midline for security; and putting on our 'costume' of choice.  We worked with balance poses, requiring that midline hug, then opening with our bright inner light and 'costume' on.  Fun class.

This will be short -- just checking in.  I find giving myself permission to write less frequently, results in not writing (duh!).  But, I want to write and it's good for me. So, need to find the balance.

Hope you have a good Halloween Sunday,

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