Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Not a lot of time this morning; meeting a friend for breakfast before the Gentle Yoga class. Still have to walk dogs and get myself ready; running out of time. But I did want to share a few notes about my day, yesterday.

First -- Wayne's class was great.  Something about reaching Certification does affect your approach and manner in teaching.  For both Tiffany and Wayne, I see a relaxed confidence. Hope to be in their shoes, soon.  Back to the class -- 4 urdhvas; even one successful one with feet on blocks -- they continue to feel easier, even on the slippery-er mat I was using yesterday.  Handstand - well, still a work in progress, but I had 'hang-time', and once up - with Wayne's help - I could stay there, even pulled feet away from wall for 1-2 seconds at a time.

Then, Pilates - feeing stronger and more confident in many of the moves.  But, Cindy always finds something new to throw into the mix.  I guess that keeps it from become too routine.

Back to the studio for a semi-private.  An update - this is the couple who came to me with no yoga knowledge and they are stiff. They found that yoga was enjoyable and eye-opening, then knee pain set in (torquing in golf swing) and he went to the doctor (a good thing).  The negative - doctor said no more yoga; torn meniscus. Well, we talked, and they are back. Their goal: to follow the physician's advice, but still stay involved in yoga. My plan: to just work with them from the hips up.  Hoping to free the shoulders, and create freedom in their necks.  A good compromise.

Lindsay takes over yoga hour at 4 on Tuesdays.  I listened to the first few minutes of the class (from the undercover space of my office). Strong, confident voice. She's a keeper!

FYI, information on the Certification video:  I asked Anusara about the requirement that we video a Level 1 or Level 1-2 class; could my Gentle Yoga class qualify? Official answer:  "yes, so long as there is explanation to that affect, and the assessors know that they are looking at a class that includes modifications. It must include use of the UPA's and other language / theming elements."  If you'd like to see that e-mail, let me know.

So, today?
  • Breakfast with Jen
  • Gentle Yoga at 10 am at The Yoga Center
  • Private (my own) to follow
  • Then home, back to the fun of sorting and cleaning
Hope your Wednesday is a good one,

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