Thursday, October 21, 2010


Each day this week has been 'great'; yesterday, tho, was 'extra great' or 'great with an extra dollop of whip cream'.

My morning started with breakfast with Jen -- we have worked together for 6+ years. Jen 'inspired' me to take my first teacher training with Desiree; and we've attended many classes, workshops and trainings together (sometimes being mistaken for mother (me)/daughter (Jen) - but, we won't go there).  It was a good conversation - sharing info on how our lives and teaching progress.

Then, off to teach Gentle Yoga.  I've said this before, will say it again -- the pattern at my studio is for students to arrive right on time for class or a minute or two late.  Not this class - they began to arrive 10 minutes early yesterday!  Perhaps it's because they're eager to be with me (!?!?!) or perhaps it's because the class is growing lately, and they would like to be in their favorite or non-squeaky spot. (FYI, the floor has some noise-producing qualities that accompany your poses, if you are placed just right.)

No matter the reason, it is fun to see the studio filling and to hear the banter among these fun people.  No one sits and tries to meditate, or tries to warm-up; no -- they're in class to enjoy the community; each other. Once we start class, tho, the room quiets to a very respectful decibel level -- with only the brief comment and/or groan and/or laugh to be heard.  We worked with the breath, the arms - exploring 'hugging'.  I asked if everyone understood what I meant by "hug" muscles. A couple were brave and inquisitive enough to say 'no'; so we did a bit of exploration and explanation. We worked the shoulders and shoulder blades, and did a bit of 'energy thumping' that I picked up at the therapy training a couple weeks ago.  All in all, a fun time for me (and, I hope, for them).

On to my own 'private' with Adam -- we all know that my goal is to kick to the wall in handstand. I had an interesting awakening yesterday.  While I'm not kicking to the wall, I can be aided to the wall and stay there for much longer than two or three weeks ago.  But, that's not what I discovered. As we worked, Adam's attention was on my hips and legs -- getting them stretched out and warmed up for kicking up (all this, by the way, will also improve much of my overall practice).

Towards the 45-minutes mark of our 60-minute session, we went to the wall and I attempted to kick up; not yet, so he helped me.  Here's what I discovered -- my shoulders and upper back are tight and, because we had focused on my legs, the upper body was not 'melting' as I had felt it 'melt' in earlier sessions.  Why?  Because we didn't do any of the challenging work to open up the upper back.  It was easier for me, in this session, to actually balance - take feet away from wall - than to allow the legs to rest on the wall and melt my heart into the room.  And, I felt it!  Isn't it amazing when you feel and are aware of something like that? (I didn't necessarily figure it out myself - he did explain it to me.) Once verbally explained, I was able to reflect on the feeling in my body and realize why it was easier to stay more upright in the pose, as opposed to melting heart and moving feet to the wall. Amazing!

On to other things - picked up Howard from the airport, home for a quick bite of lunch, then on to get my hair cut.  After that, relax.  Then there was an unexpected phone conversation with Sundari - such a nice way to finish the day.

  • 9:30 am Meeting
  • 1:00 pm Pilate
  • 2:30 pm Semi-Private
  • 4:00 pm Yoga Hour (I'm teaching)
Hope your day is a good one!

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