Thursday, October 28, 2010


In my last post, I alluded to a new 'look' for the blog. Checked out options this morning; choices between red, pink, green, even purple, are just too much to think about this morning.  So, we'll wait for a while.

After a busy weekend playing with grandsons, I returned Tuesday night and am still a bit turned around, time-wise.  Begin a week on Wednesday, and try it.  Well, teaching Gentle Yoga yesterday morning, I had lots of good stories to tell about the way it is now with 3 grandsons, and the way it used to be (back when I went to visit and made a trip to Yoga Del Mar for some yoga; ahhh, the good old days).  Now, I call it good if I can get in a few good stretching moments.

Yesterday morning, I started the day with reviewing my latest video.  Then, I turned to a printout of the latest self-evaluation form from Anusara.  If we honestly answer the questions (I did have to say 'no' and 'maybe' at least once), we can see the parts missing from our teaching.  Where did I say no?  Did I connect the heart quality and theme through my demo?  No, I was too busy keeping it to 1-2 minutes and trying to point out just two things that I wanted them to get from the demo. I don't think I even considered heart quality/theme during the demo -- after all, it was just me doing and talking about the poses I was demo'ing.  Lesson learned.

After the self-eval., I still feel good about the video and have sent it on to Sundari.  Keep fingers crossed!

In Gentle Yoga, we worked with skull loop -- my favorite loop this year.  After all, for me, it is the key to backbending. I just wish saying 'hyoid bone' many times was a bit less tongue-tying (or, as I try to say it this morning many times over, it's more of a lip-challenge).  But, I digress.

I hadn't intended to do that - teach skull loop, but as I watched students move into anjanae asana, and take their gaze up (by dropping their head back), it seemed like a good teaching moment. (Seeing teaching moments, is also a variation of a question on the Self-Evaluation form -- "Did you teach to what you were seeing?) The connection from skull loop to the upper and mid back, will help in this pose -- which can be a bit challenging for the lower back.  It was amazing to watch the following attempts at the pose - so much more potent (and beautiful).

Then home for a bit, and back to the studio (I felt like a yo-yo yesterday) to teach a semi-private. We worked skull loop here, also.   Home again, where we have 3 inches of snow on the deck -- yes, snow; in October.  We've gone from balmy, sunny Fall to Winter -- FAST!  Maybe we'll journey back to the balmy, but winter is here today.

  • Still cleaning (can you tell the house has not been my priority for a while?)
  • Pilates at 1 pm
  • Semi-private at 2:30 pm
  • Yoga Hour at 4 pm, taught by me
Hope your day is a good one,

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