Monday, October 25, 2010

SO, HERE IT IS . . . POST #500

Let the whistles blow and the cymbals clash; let the sparklers light the sky; etc., etc., etc.  I've done it -- 500 posts; as I sit here, it's almost as anti-climactic as the 60th birthday countdown.  Oh, well!

When I'm away from the studio, I depend on Facebook and e-mail to keep me informed of goings on. This morning, I found an entry from BJ Galvan, a forwarded one of Scott Marmorstein doing a jig to a Jamaican tune. I usually would pass by this type of message, however this morning I paused and watched the video.  Reminder, Scott is the young man who works with JF frequently and is an energy healter (cakras). The other fact many of us know is that he nearly died 8 or so months ago from heart issues.

I watched the 'jig' video, then noticed in the history bar another video of Scott from a year ago. He's seated in front of a window and talks about his work. Such a difference between now (the jig, the look, the energy) and a year ago (posture, the look, the energy). If you can find it, check it out. So happy to see him and to see him looking well and happy.

Our grandsons are great!  We had a fun day yesterday -- took in Sealife (an aquarium extension of Legoland).  Well done and a perfect place for pre-school and early school-age children.  Since the boys have been to this place many times, we were given the tour - taken into all the nooks and crannies, encouraged to watch the puppet show and the dive show; just take it all in, move with their flow (a 2 and a 4-year-old flow is very different than our 60+ year flow).  It was a fun morning, that even included lunch at the aquarium. Such good grandparents - pat, pat, pat (the sound of me patting myself on the back). Then back home for naps, more play, dinner, then we (the older ones) could relax.

Today, I'll enjoy grandsons some more; Howard will work.  Our housesitter is 'in charge' - dealing with pets and care of SLC house.  The studio? Well, I'm not missing any classes; and it can run itself for a couple days.

I was serious about ordering the printed archive of the first 500 posts.  I plan to continue, maybe I'll change the display - I've seen some pretty neat ones around the internet.

Thank you for reading,


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you (and us) Leslie, In your daily words are bits of everyday wisdom we can all treasure. do know why yogis do so many shoulder openers??? So we can pat our selves on the back.
Thanks for sharing your great journey.
Much love and many hugs,
Bonnie in Montana

Kimberly Achelis Hoggan aka Sita LivDeep said...

great job! what wonderful adhikara you have