Monday, October 18, 2010


This past weekend, I had signed up for Jaime Allison's workshop at The Shop in Park City.  I did make it to the Friday session, but not the rest of it.  It just didn't fit.

There are times to do and to study, and then there are times to cultivate the home fires.  This was one of those weekends. Therefore, I decided to forego the Saturday and Sunday sessions -- hard to do, but I'm glad I did it.

I know I would have learned a lot from Jaime, that it would have been fun to 'hang out' with yoga friends, but there are times when another part of my life comes calling and I need to pay attention to all aspects. (Thank you, Ponteir.)

So, Saturday night we (Howard and I) took a leisurely drive up one of the area canyons to enjoy what's left of the Fall colors. We had a nice dinner at a restaurant overlooking the canyon, where the ambiance was littered with background noise -- "we're out of penne"; "there's no caesar salad"; "mashed potatoes won't be ready for 30 minutes".  For some patrons this was troubling, the majority tho (including us) simply laughed and rolled with the punches.  Fun to not be too locked into our expectations sometimes.

Yesterday - more cleaning and sorting. Then, a run to the airport and a couple stops on the way back to stock up on studio supplies.  I took an hour of the day for 'retail' therapy, then home to clean some more.

Today's Plans:
  • Clean & sort (broken record)
  • Deliver supplies to Yoga Center
  • Car washed(?), depends on weather
  • Phone conference re: my parents' care
  • I do plan to attend Tiffany's class 
Hope your Monday is productive yet enjoyable, 

1 comment:

Kimberly Achelis Hoggan aka Sita LivDeep said...

"There are times to do and to study, and then there are times to cultivate the home fires." I completely agree. I have been stuggling with deciding to take the teacher training now or waiting. I really want to do it now but I feel like have so much knowledge I have learned from the immersion and other anusara classes that I still need to digest, before taking on more. It is nice to hear you feel the same way sometimes :) (PS hopefully I will be in waynes class tomorrow I have started volunteering at camp kostoplous on tuesdays which is way I have been missing recently)