Sunday, November 14, 2010


We all have favorite moments, moments we'd love to have chronicled with a photograph -- the photo I posted in yesterday's blog came from one of mine (thank you, BJ).

And, why did I post it? The day before, I had shared the recent article about JF in which there is the short story and photo of an 82-year-old doing an assisted drop-back. The Gentle Yoga class I was teaching seemed impressed and there were expressions of "not me", "not in this lifetime", like that. I told them my story about being in a workshop and being selected for a dropback demo (just one guy - JF - doing it) because I was / am stiffer than most in the room.

At the time of this photo, pushing up to urdhva dhanurasana (wheel) was not in my repertoire of poses. Not even sure I could easily get to the top of my head; I could do a 'killer' bridge pose, however.  That's why I look so happy in the photo --  I had never viewed a room from this perspective.

I was not lying when I mentioned serendipity yesterday. As I edited yesterday's post, I was looking for a feature in the editing bar and clicked on the photo icon. Up came 3 photos in the box alongside the post; one of them was this. Wow, talk about a coincidence! Therefore, I just had to post it.  A great memory.  (FYI, if you told me to go to my photo file and find the photo I published, it might take me many minutes and be filled with frustration; so, having it pop up like that was truly amazing.)

Yesterday went much as planned.  I taught at 9 am -- enough people in the room to video (Hooray!). I am not sure about the video, tho -- why? From the first lunge, things were different. Students were stepping back further, their back legs were straighter, their front knee was bent to 90 degrees, they were on their fingertips -- in other words, as close to perfect as I've seen -- and everyone was doing it! From that moment on, I was in a sort of marvel-state. Poses unfolded as I tried to remember things like:
  • Go back to the theme (tho, I did do it on occasion)
  • Touch on the 5 alignment principles in 50% of the poses (I tried)
  • Use creative, dynamic language (I tried, but - to tell the truth - this class brought me close to tears of appreciation)
  • Demo using your heart quality / theme (I can't remember if I even thought about it -- will have to go check)
  • I had a plan written out, but I'm pretty sure if I go re-read it, I didn't stick with it (not sure that that's such a big deal, so long as the class moves along appropriately for the apex pose - which I believe it did)
  • Etc., etc., etc.
It was just that enjoyable watching this group of students give me their all, watch them infuse their poses and practice with the sri we always talk about. 

There is the possibility that I taught a class that resonated with what was going on in their lives, and that was the catalyst for the poses offered. Whatever.  I couldn't have been happier. If this video goes anywhere, I'm sure the smiles on my face will be as big as the one in the urdhva picture. 

So, what about today?
  • Would love to attend Sheldon's class at 8 am at The Yoga Center; got to see what Howard has planned.
  • Some laundry, some more housework, some leaves to rake and dispose of
Have a great Sunday,

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