Monday, November 15, 2010


Is that a line from a song?  Can't remember, but it could be if it isn't. I notice this (feeling stronger) each time I practice -- especially in the past couple weeks. It has to have something to do with losing some weight and also practicing more; working on those skills.  I don't want to place too much emphasis on the weight loss, but it is part of the equation (not that I've lost that much; but enough to notice my belly doesn't get in the way like it used to (or hang out, like it used to; clothes also fit better).

Sheldon's class yesterday was great -- he does a very good job of handling different skill levels, asking everyone for their level of practice -- and, not underestimating the skills of the newer-to-yoga practitioner in the room. It took me a long time to get over 'babying' the newer person. People really are stronger than I (or they) think and, unless there is a physical issue there, they probably are able to do much more than I sometimes give them credit for.

The rest of the day, Sunday? We raked some leaves, took the bags to the community collection spot; then took ourselves out for lunch (got to have a reward for this industrious work). Then home to sit by the fire, watch a little football, read, relax.

  • Running one car in for service this morning
  • Subbing for Michael, 5:40 pm, at The Yoga Center
Hope you enjoy your Monday (sorry this is so short, rushing to get in for the car appointment),

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