Saturday, November 13, 2010


Up very early; not sure why - just woke up.  So, here I am - a bit sleepy, but up nevertheless.

After writing my post yesterday, I did remember that it was Friday and that Fridays are dedicated to 'notes'. Well, what I wrote was important to get off my chest and out to the world, so I decided to leave it.  Today, Saturday, will be 'notes' day.  Executive decision.

Writing about a workshop was a good idea. Why? Because I now am talking about it. I checked in with other Anusara-Inspired™ instructors in town about conflicts.  None and, hopefully, I get the same consideration.  I do realize that that coordination of schedules is required for visiting presenters, not local stuff; but, it's a good habit - at least in my mind.

But, first -- this is for my Gentle Yoga students:  I shared the story of how I'm in a workshop in San Diego a few years ago; JF looks around the room, saying "I need someone a bit stiffer" with eyes meeting mine, I knew what was in store. This image just popped up; how's that for serendipity?

Now, back to the thought, at hand:

Once I put something out to the Universe, the wheels begin to spin a bit faster I've noticed.  For example, the gentle nudge I mentioned in the title? Jen calling to ask if I'd stand in for her at our weekly practice last night. No conflicts, no reason to say 'no', other than I've never led a practice before! I said yes, spent a leisurely afternoon doing whatever, only to find myself later that afternoon at my computer researching and typing a sequence. What did I learn? That I need to know more of the Sanskrit names for the more challenging poses -- I don't teach many of them, I practice them (or attempt to practice them) only when I'm in a workshop situation -- therefore, I don't know them very well.  As I typed, I consoled myself with the thought:  it might be good for everyone to step back to the basics. I also reminded myself that it is a practice -- we all can contribute ideas.

With those thoughts in mind, I stepped into the room with 5 other brave souls - only two who I had met before. A brief query about desires for a practice direction, a few questions about injuries, etc., and we were off.

And? It was fun. It was challenging. For example, I've spent many years teaching without practicing alongside the students -- this was hard to let go of now.  Thank goodness for the mirrors. I could watch for major, injury-producing misalignments, and offer suggestions, without having to turn and look or come out of the poses to check everyone. Even though it was a practice, I still felt a responsibility to keep everyone as safe as possible.

We also stuck with the basics -- moving in and out of the poses many of us do almost every day. But, for me, there was more openness, more extension from the focal point -- something I've been working on and something I talked a bit about as we began.  The apex -- parvritta trichonasana (no clasp).

All right, back to 'notes'. If you're curious you can go back and read the week's posts -- no need to summarize them today. But, what about the tip?  Well . . .

I looked back to notes from an Intensive from Tucson (the last one for that venue, 2009 -- so sad).  Since videos are on my mind these days, I found this list of 'missing' pieces that JF repeatedly sees in videos:
  • Missing:  Going back to the heart quality / theme repeatedly in the class.
  • Missing:  Checking that everyone is in the general shape of the pose before proceeding.
  • Missing:  Checking everyone's foundation (go to the 'red flag' first). Give students a moment to simply breathe while you do this, no need to talk.
  • Missing:  Making sure an instruction is being carried out. (I know I've written this before -- when I ask for something, I better be sure I'm ready to enforce it, or - as I've heard Christina say - 'if you don't care if they do it, don't ask'.  
  • Missing:  Saying why it matters; and how it connects to the highest (a biggie for me).  
Lots of 'balls to juggle' as I teach.  And, this isn't all -- just think of the things I do get into the video; ultimate multi-tasking!

It's Saturday; what's on the agenda?
  • Teaching Level 1 at 9 am at The Yoga Center
  • Errands, groceries, laundry
Happy Birthday to Maria Cristina!  

Everyone else, have a great day, 

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