Friday, November 12, 2010


What does hold me back?  This question is at the forefront this morning because, even though I am moving forward on my path towards Certification, I seek out challenging trainings, I push myself in my practice, there are still 'sticking' points.  Places I avoid, places I don't allow me to see myself occupying.

Like what? Well, in the past few weeks, I've thought to myself "self, you ought to offer a workshop - it's about time". Whoa, now that's stepping out of the comfort zone. But, it IS time. So, what's holding me back? Many things. Things that reveal insecurities, like 'maybe no one will attend', 'what/how do I fill 2+ hours', 'what would I teach', 'what would the workshop name be', 'what would the focus be', 'could I really do it' - to name some.

Yesterday, I took a big step towards this out-of-the-comfort-zone goal. I asked two good friends (Sundari & Cindy) what they thought. Response? Yeah! Do it! Don't stop, go for it!

So, I will.  Having said (written) that, I am now pretty committed. If I don't do it, I really look like a wimp, like a coward.


This will be a 2-3 hour event, offered at The Yoga Center, in the afternoon.  We'll see what we shall see in terms of interest, attendance, etc.  All I know is that I've stepped out of the box labeled 'comfort zone' again. (It would be so easy to just sit in that box. Just sayin'.)

I just finished writing some ideas for workshop names, a brief description of why people should attend, some quotes that will come in handy as I plan, my info. There's a big 'blank' in the middle of all this. The 'blank'? The actual workshop plan -- the poses I will teach based on my initial ideas of workshop name and description.  But, now that the wheels are beginning to move off the slick tracks and onto the deeper, grippier part of the road, there's momentum. The plan will come.

What's holding me back now? Not much. Many of the same 'concerns' are there -- will people attend is one that will nag me until the day of the workshop. If I spend too much time lingering there, I will never move off the 'dime'. So, what happens - happens.

For the rest of today:
  • Taking my cats in to be boarded for the weekend - one has something going on health-wise, so it's better that he be observed by the vet for a couple days.  The other one, well these cats are 'joined at the hip', so he'll go along for the 'vacation', as I'm calling it.
  • MUST be at the studio by 9 am to meet the person who will put my swamp cooler to bed for the winter.  
  • Teaching Gentle Yoga at 10 am at The Yoga Center
  • Mail some packages and run any other needed errands
Hope your day's a good one.  

1 comment:

Kimberly Achelis Hoggan aka Sita LivDeep said...

I love and admire you honesty on your blog. It is hard to look at what holds us back.

I cant wait for your workshop!! I think many people will come and all love what you have to offer.