Monday, December 6, 2010


Last night, I officially turned over the 'keys' to The Yoga Center to Sheldon & Lyndsey Marie. We had a great meeting at the studio -- with wonderful food; thank you, everyone. And, all but two instructors were in attendance -- considering there are now 14 teaching at the studio, that was impressive.

And, to look around the circle at all those faces; faces that I've known for years and some faces new to me, I saw good friends and very accomplished yoga teachers -- all dedicated to their craft and their students. Good stuff!
I sent an e-mail to all the instructors earlier in the week, reminding them of the meeting and telling them that this change is for the good -- new energy, refurbished studio, updated and more effective record keeping; all good things. The best part -- a goal to keep disruption to a minimum for the students who have come to consider the studio their 'sanctuary'; their place to practice yoga (even if it isn't the only place they practice yoga). "Change is inevitable; growth is optional." -- remember that.
I began to write this post as a description of the 'new phase' for me; I realize it will be a 'new phase' for instructors and students, as well.
Yesterday morning, I followed my plan and attended Sheldon's class. The moment I sat on my mat, an inward smile made its way into my head. I looked out the window and up at the mountains and said 'thank you'. Thank you that this has worked out so well -- and, thank you that I can now practice, teach and study without the added responsibility of running a studio. FYI, running the studio was never a burden for me -- oh, I had bad days on occasion; but, one of the reasons I did it for so long, was that the next day I would return to the studio with a solution or just in a better mood. Those bad days never lasted more than a day. A sign, to me, that I was in the right place doing the right thing. And, this transition has been similar -- never angst, worry, disruption; just a calm progression to last night's finale'.
This morning, I'm sitting here thinking of the things that need to be done; aware that it's not my responsibility, but also aware that I was asked to help in the next few weeks of transition. So, I'll send an e-mail, make a phone call, and follow instructions. Big change!
In my last few posts, I reviewed and evaluated (from my own experience) suggestions from JF for teaching. This morning, I read Christina's blog - she's done similarly; there's some good advice in there for us, if we're teaching or hoping to teach Anusara yoga.
So (parrot word), what happens now? Create a personal website, business cards, settle some final details (shift insurance, shift utilities - all things you do when you move), and plan for Saturday's workshop, "Embrace Yourself" - a time of recognition, reflection, and rejuvenation. First workshop, a bit nervous -- we'll see. I don't plan to take this 'show' on the road, now that I no longer own a studio, but I think expanding my threshold to include a local workshop now and then is a good thing.
Today's schedule:
  • Write that e-mail I talked about
  • Christmas decorations
  • Tiffany's class, perhaps
Have a good Monday,


Claudia said...

OK, so have I just not been paying attention? You sold the studio? But, but, but... (breathe). Ok.

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Will you still teach there/be around?

Kimberly Achelis Hoggan aka Sita LivDeep said...
