Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Who me? Yes, me! I took advantage of Apple's one-to-one training program last night, trucked on down to the Apple store, and spent an hour with very knowledgeable gentleman. My introduction to building a website, plus a good start on one. The fact that this lesson started at 8 pm, is a sign of my motivation -- rarely do I venture out after dark, unless it's a special occasion with 'the husband'. That's not because of fear or caution; that's because I get up so darn early, I am usually too tired to do much else once dinner is accomplished.

With the sale of the studio, I am now an independent contractor. I will teach for the studio, and I will look to cultivate more private and semi-private clients in the area -- hopefully, using the studio for these sessions. Difference? I'll have to pay rent; not much, but rent nevertheless.
As an independent contractor, there are several markers I must meet -- business license, personal liability insurance, business cards, website -- all things that will indicate to the State that I am promoting and building my client base, not relying on the studio to do that for me. This is not a new theory for me; I have long thought that - if we are going to be in the business of teaching yoga - we ought to conduct ourselves as a business. So, here goes . . .
One lacking feature for my website -- pictures! Remember I had a photoshoot many months ago? Well, that was the catalyst for losing a few pounds; probably won't use those photos. That means I better start having someone take some pics of me doing yoga without those extra pounds! The pictures of me with my grandchildren or standing in front of some travel-related piece of architecture are not going to 'sell' me as a yoga instructor/therapist.
I'll be going into the studio in a little bit to teach Gentle Yoga -- hopefully, I can retrieve some photos off the studio computer and use them, as well. I also remembered that all my Excel files that document my trainings are still on that studio computer -- better retrieve those, as well. Would HATE to have to re-create that source of information. Selling a business is kind of like moving; lots of stuff to change, discontinue, forward info on, etc. Hopefully, it will be done in the next few weeks and my life will move into a more normal-for-the-future pattern.
Today's schedule:
  • Gentle Yoga, 10 am at The Yoga Center "Be there or be square."
  • A private with Adam
  • Meeting to go over 'running the studio' with new owners. They may be surprised at how simply I did it for 7 years -- certainly nothing fancy about my management skills.
Hope your Wednesday is a good one,

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