Sunday, December 19, 2010


A wet, windy, melting-snow kind of day (at least what I can see through the still-dark morning light).

Saturday was a good day. Taught a private at 7:30 am, then my Level 1 class at 9 am, home for a bite of lunch and a short nap, and then to a group practice with Adam.
The private is worthy of comment, since G arrived several months ago struggling with a combination of injury and chronic fatigue - layered with anxiety. Since that first class, we have worked each week in private sessions, developing the breath, grounding, building strength, not to mention time for 'just talk'. The last 3 weeks have shown me just how far G has moved away from the issues that plagued her. What did we do? Well, 3 Saturdays ago I practiced alongside her for 25 minutes -- taking her through a gentle, but steady movement series. She did it and she did it well. Last week, we stepped back a bit, doing hip and leg work. Yesterday - after warming up - AMS (down dog) to plank to chaturanga to cobra; hands on blocks, no less, repeat, repeat, repeat. All with barely a hint of the mentioned 'stuff'.
Her next step -- while I'm on a short break, I asked her to attend Gentle Yoga with Sheldon & Lyndsey. Why? Two reasons -- to take a break from private and give public classes another try (because she certainly is capable!), and to experience a different 'voice'. After my explanation, she agreed.
Level 1 was small (holidays and temp space?), but we did good work. And, those in attendance were students who appreciate a smaller class -- as in, 'I get more attention and I learn more'. Especially good for me, because I learned that I am now able to grab my foot in Ardha chandra chapassana WITHOUT bringing the knee forward (and, this happened without being all that warmed up - remember, I was demo'ing and teaching, not practicing).
Lunch and nap -- good stuff, also.
Then, on to The Practice with Adam at Centered City (this, by the way, is almost moving back to exactly where I began a dedicated Anusara practice -- Adam & Centered City). This is an additional space for Centered, smaller than the main studio but newer and with heated floors. Talk about fun, good yoga, and sweat! Even the skylights were weeping from the condensation in the room. So nice to see many faces I haven't seen for a while and to re-connect. I hope this happens more often; especially, since I was able to move energetically throughout the 3 HOT hours, do much of the requested stuff (or, at least give it my best effort), and see places I need to work more (i.e. tripod headstand --- got to get AWAY from the wall).
  • Sheldon's class at 8 am at The Yoga Center (temp. space, 2101 Murray Holladay Road)
  • A rainy day movie
  • A few gifts left to buy
Have a great Sunday and if YOU are shopping, remember to breathe.

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